Friday, May 27, 2011

HCG 1234 May, 27th

I had so much fun in Oregon, and not to mention that I ate a lot of food. I forgot how good the restaurants were. I gained 4bls and had my two loading days May 22-23rd. I weighed myself Tuesday morning, and I was at 197.6, I gained 4.2bls, this morning when I weighed myself I am at 192.4 total weight losses of 5.2 in four days, for a combined weight loss of 13.2bls. I must say not bad at all.
I am not looking forward to going into a three day weekend; the weekends are so hard on me. During the week I can spend my days at work and focus on me. On the weekends I have Jeff and the Kids. I am hoping that tomorrow I have a good weight loss so it helps me stay strong through the weekend. I will need to keep reminding myself that to loss is better than gain.
I’ll post on Tuesday the 31st how I did over the weekend. Once again please wish me luck….!

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