Monday, May 9, 2011

HCG May, 9th day 8

So what am I complaining about? I woke up this morning all down on myself because I didn’t lose anything starting weight 205.6 and as of this morning, and Sunday morning 196.6. That is 9lbs.
The weekend was so hard to get through. Friday night I and Jeff found ourselves kid less for the night. I wanted to go to dinner so bad, because we hardly ever get a night alone. BUT I stayed strong and Saturday morning I weighed 196.6.
Saturday was a whole different story, the kids had this thing that they had to sing in Saturday morning down town and following the service a local restaurant opened its doors for the public and feed every one breakfast for free. I had brought food for myself, but was not hungry and thought that I would run to the car after the service and get my food. Well the car was only parked like a mile away. I went inside and loaded myself up a plate. I thought to myself well I have lost 9lbs what would one day hurt. I went to the table and took a few bites and got up and told Jeff that I had to leave it just wasn’t worth it.
Sunday morning woke up weighed myself 196.6 happy that I had dropped 1lb because I had cheated a little on Saturday. BUT WOW Sunday was hard to get through, it was mother’s day. I once again wanted to go out to eat. But not only just wanting to go out to eat, I craved everything; I wasn’t hungry just craving stuff. Jeff asked me what I would like to do for mother’s day, I told him a hike. We ended up going for a three mile hike.
So this morning when I woke up and didn’t even lose an ounce, I pouted all day. I decided to update my blog and realized that I had lost 9lbs in 8day. I would be happy to do that in one month.
Today had been easy to get through, I am not home making meals for my or snacks for my family all day. I have plenty of energy today and feel good.


Jensen Family said...

Good job for sticking to it! I wouldn't have as much motivation as you!

BrImHaLl FaMiLy said...

I agree... good job! I hated that diet and was a wimp and couldn't stick to it so ... YOU GO GIRL! :)

Hudson Clan said...

Great job Kristi! Just remember one day you might not lose anything then several days later you'll be down several pounds! Its frusterating and I agree I hate how all the sudden you crave everything! There are quite a few people in my ward that have used hcg and it worked really well. My bishop lost a ton! Goodluck and just try not to get discouraged...easier said than done I know:/